Online Test

Arthroscopic Rotator Cuff Repair: Evaluation and Surgical Technique - OT (non-live) - 3 Hour


You will need to answer 7 questions correctly to pass the test.

1. The rotator interval is bordered by which of the following structures?

2. Which of the following is a rotator cuff tear classification referring to tear shape?

3. Which of the following is a common indication for arthroscopic rotator cuff repair?

4. Arthroscopic rotator cuff repair is commonly performed with the patient in which of the following positions?

5. Which of the following surgical instruments is NOT commonly utilized during arthroscopic repair of the rotator cuff?

6. Which of the following surgical steps takes place BEFORE mobilizing the rotator cuff during an arthroscopic rotator cuff repair?

7. An interval slide is most likely to be performed during arthroscopic repair of which type of rotator cuff tear?

8. Revision surgery has identified which of the following as the most common mechanism of rotator cuff repair failure?

9. Following arthroscopic repair of the rotator cuff, how long does it take for biologic healing of the rotator cuff tendon to the greater tuberosity?

10. Which of the following surgical complications is associated with arthroscopic rotator cuff repair?

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