You will need to answer 7 questions correctly to pass the test.
1. Which phase of the running gait cycle begins with heel off as rearfoot starts to invert?
2. When assessing a runner’s threshold for overuse, which of the following determinants of training load should be used?
3. What is the most commonly employed strength and conditioning activity amongst runners?
4. Which of the following is a risk factor for lower extremity running injury based on current evidence?
5. Which of the following gait characteristics is best evaluated from the posterior view during video gait analysis?
6. Which of the following is a gait mechanics retraining strategy that has been shown in the running literature to improve aberrant movement patterns?
7. What does IMU stand for related to gait analysis?
8. Which of the following signs of psychological distress is demonstrated at increased rates in runners who are prevented from running?
9. Which running shoe characteristic is best supported in the literature as a means of injury prevention?
10. Which of the following patient reported outcomes tools was developed specifically for runners?