You will need to answer 14 questions correctly to pass the test.
1. Almost all terminally ill individuals experience the same five sequential stages: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. (p. 5)
2. Clinical depression is often experienced by terminally ill patients; it is normal and typically resolves without treatment. (p. 6)
3. Which of the following is NOT an example of a dying trajectory? (p. 9-10)
4. What are the five E's referring to? (p. 13)
5. Imparting information to the patient achieves which of the following? (p. 15)
6. Advance care planning is a process that helps patients identify and clarify their personal values and goals about health and medical treatment. (p. 20)
7. A ____________ is a set of instructions based on likely scenarios of illness, goals for care, and specific treatments, combined with a general values statement. (p. 20-23)
8. Which of the following criteria is NOT utilized to determine patient decision-making capacity? (p. 26)
9. A referral for hospice care becomes easier if the idea is presented as a response to a need rather than something to turn to when there is nothing left to do. (p. 28)
10. Which of the following is NOT commonly seen when the primary goal of care is curative? (p. 30)
11. Caring for a patient at home decreases the technical and emotional demands on the family. (p. 33)
12. In which phase of bereavement do individuals commonly experience a combination of intense separation anxiety and disregard or denial of the reality of the loss? (p. 37)
13. Which of the following is NOT one of Worden's four tasks of grief? (p. 38-39)
14. Complicated grief can take many forms. It may manifest as absent grief, inhibited grief, delayed grief, conflicted grief, or chronic grief. (p. 39)
15. Anticipatory grief is defined as conventional (post-death) grief that begins early (pre-death). (p. 42)
16. Which of the following is a sign of clinical depression? (p. 44)
17. The three phases of mourning are 1. The urge to recover the lost person. 2. Disorganization and despair. 3. Reorganization. (p. 45)
18. Children often play death games as a way of working out their feelings and anxieties in a relatively safe setting. (p. 48)
19. At what age do children typically understand that everyone (including themselves) will die? (p. 50)
20. Euphemisms for death (e.g., "he passed away", "he is sleeping") should be avoided with children because they can confuse them and lead to misinterpretations. (p. 51)